Several of a Kind

There is almost always more than one way to solve a design challenge when planning a garden, and the solutions that work are derived from careful consideration of practical and aesthetic factors. Garden style and site conditions then influence the planting method used to achieve the desired result.

Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’ planted en masses is an alternative to a formal hedge.

In this blog, I address the planting en masse (or mass planting) method; an effective design tool with numerous applications.

The use of the same or similar species or a small selection of well-matched plants can be used to:

  • Create a relaxed atmosphere. This is especially true when plants with a softening effect, such as grasses, are grouped together. This aesthetic works at any scale, from an intimate courtyard to a sprawling estate.
  • Set off focal features such as a statue, a fountain or pond or a specimen tree. It can also create an unobtrusive backdrop for more complex ornamental plantings.
  •  Screen undesirable views, or soften the front of a fence or structure. Use a hedgerow of large grasses or hydrangeas as a casual alternative to a formal clipped hedge.
  • Define space and create a clean look. Formal or informal, a simple border will create a structure that stops the eye while setting off featured plantings. A uniform border will also help to delineate a path, walkway, or patio.

I hope this helps you think about ways to create dynamic effects with plants this spring.

Need more ideas? Contact me for a design consultation to learn about landscape design or how to maximize the impact of the plantings in your garden.

Perennial Favorites

At just about any time of year you will find perennial plants in bloom in the Maritime Pacific Northwest. If colorful flowers are on your agenda, then they’re sure to be an integral part of your garden. With careful planning, different perennials can continually bloom in sequence from late winter through summer and into autumn. Understanding how perennials grow, when they bloom, and which are best suited to the site conditions will ensure they thrive in your garden.

Echinacea sp.

Perennials are often only one category of plants represented in an ornamental garden. When I start a new design, I first establish which plants will provide the bones that give the garden structure throughout the seasons. Then I determine where to add seasonal favorites, like perennials. Deciding on the color palette and which plants are best suited to the planting plan, is part of the preliminary brainstorming process that continues as the design evolves. If I am planning a traditional perennial garden, I assess each for flower and foliage color, growth habit and size, and bloom time making sure they will integrate cohesively.

When selecting perennials I look for characteristics that will provide maximum impact with minimum maintenance. By nature, perennials are a hardy group, but not all are created equal.

Here are some of my easy-to-grow favorites that have a long bloom cycle.

Penstemon heterophyllus ‘Electric Blue’ and Penstemon x mexicali ‘Red Rocks’ (Beardtongue)

These cultivars have multiple arching stems that emerge from a basal clump and create a loose mound of foliage. Narrow leaves radiate from the stems and groups of small, upward-pointing flowers create a halo effect. ‘Red Rocks’ has vibrant raspberry-red flowers and ‘Electric Blue’ sports uplifting, iridescent sky-blue flowers. Neither requires deadheading but thinning will encourage flower production and result in a more compact plant. Beardtongues thrive in full sun and ordinary soil without much supplemental water. Cut plants to the ground in the early spring to encourage a flush of new growth.

Sedum (Hylotelephium) ‘Thunderhead’ and ‘Purple Emperor (Stonecrop)

Sometimes called border sedum or stonecrop, Hylotelphium offers numerous variations of foliage and flower variations for sedum enthusiasts. Beginning in late summer, Hylotelephium ‘Thunderhead’ produces clouds of rose-red flower clusters that hover above gray-green foliage. Flower heads transition to deep red and the foliage takes on a saturated burgundy-red tone as the blooms mature. Hylotelephium telephium ‘Purple Emperor’ has striking reddish-purple stems that hold deep purple fleshy leaves. The umbrella-shape flower heads are comprised of many tiny rose-pink flowers that fade to pale pink and white as they mature. The thick, sturdy leaves add texture and contrast nicely when with foliage and flowers with a finer texture. Because they do not require supplemental water, they are excellents picks for a low-water use garden and hot spots. Hylotelephium are pest-resistant and low maintenance – just cut them to the ground before winter, or in early spring, if you enjoy the look of the dried seeds heads during wintertime. The flowers are a favorite of bees and other pollinators that will visit your garden frequently if you plant stonecrop. Good drainage is essential and wet or shady conditions result in weak, underperforming plants.

Echinacea spp. (Coneflower)

Echinacea is grown for its flowers, but when selecting plants for your garden also consider the growth habit and form. Some cultivars have exotic-looking flowers but may not stand up under the weight of their own flowers, necessitating staking or a position next to other plants that can provide support. Stakes can look awkward and may distract from the natural elements of a garden, so I prefer Echinacea varieties that don’t need support. I believe this problem is caused by over-hybridization in pursuit of new cultivars.

Below are some robust Echinacea that have it all.

Echinacea purpurea ‘Green Jewel’ is a floriferous, compact plant with sturdy upright stems that hold large bright light green flowers with a deep green center. The flowers have a cooling, calming effect on a hot summer day and seem to glow in the saturated light of dusk. The unusual color sets off surrounding flowers and blends well with other colors.

Echinacea purpurea ‘Ruby Star’ is one of the largest and most robust coneflowers. It is the most closely related to the naturally occurring parent plant and is just as hardy. Vibrant dark pink flower petals surround a burnt orange center. Both the foliage and flowers are larger than most echinacea and it thrives in most sunny locations without much care. Coneflower is effectively planted en masse and allowed to naturalize and also as a medium height element in a perennial garden.

Echinacea ‘Tomatoe Soup’ grows in a well-behaved clump with grass-green lance-shaped leaves. Its rich, tomatoe-red sword-like petals point downward slightly and surround an emerald green-brown center. Simply delicious.

Echinacea does best in full sun and average to better soil. Little supplemental water is required once plants are established and maintenance is minimal. Removing spent flowers will keep plants looking tidy and encourage flower production.

Now is a good time to add perennials to your garden and complete design plans to get the perfect-looking garden for this spring and summer.

Need more ideas? Contact me for a design consultation to learn about landscape design or how to maximize the impact of seasonal plantings for any spot in your garden.

Plants With Impact

Euonymus japonica ‘Dr. Rokujo Variegated’

Every plant in a landscape planting plan has a specific part in a cohesive garden design. Some have a minor role, while others are the star of the show. Plants with star power often have a sculptural character that makes them stand out as dramatic focal points. When featured in a curated planting or repeated in sequence, their architectural stature helps delineate outdoor spaces and provide structure. These outstanding plants take center stage when artfully choreographed against the backdrop of a manicured evergreen hedge or wall.

Below are some plants that will add some flair to your garden.

Ilex crenata ‘Mariesii‘ (Mariesii Dwarf Japanese Columnar Holly) has small grass-green leaves that resemble boxwood, but that’s where the similarity ends. Its structure is open and irregular and each plant has its own unique habit. Stiff glossy leaves point upward around arching branchlets attached to one or more central leaders. Like other Ilex, ‘Mariesii’ is not fussy, but needs a sunny location to thrive. Tip: plant in front of a blank wall or fence and use lighting to create interesting shadow effects at night.

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Wissel’s Saguaro’ (Wissel’s Saguaro Lawson Cypress) has upright sweeping branches that resemble the arms of a saguaro cactus. Like the cactus, its branches become more substantial with age curving outward and upward from the trunk. Because of its unmistakable silhouette, ‘Wissell’s Saguaro’ is the ideal specimen plant or feature for a dwarf conifer garden. It needs full sun and excellent drainage, but not much supplemental water, making it a great selection for a water-wise garden. Tip: the blue-green sprays pop in combination with yellow and chartreuse foliage.

Euonymus japonica ‘Dr. Rokujo Variegated’ (Dr. Rkujo Variegated Japanese Euonymus) has tiny gray-green variegated leaves edged in white that grow in thick masses on finger-like spires. The leaves look as if they have been stacked and fused together around thick branchlets that point upward from a woody base. Because of its diminutive size—never reaching more than 18″ tall and 12″ wide—it’s a great choice for a container or rock garden. Tip: plant among other dwarf plants in a collector’s garden.

Now is a good time to access your garden and plan upgrades that would add some excitement this spring.

Looking for more ideas? Contact me for a design consultation to learn about landscape design or how to maximize the impact of plantings for any spot in your garden.

Deciduous Trees For All Seasons

After the leaves fall in autumn, some deciduous trees fade into the background until they leaf out again in the spring. Others shed their leaves revealing striking bark, berries, and flowers that stand out on bare branches. These trees make excellent focal points that add a new dimension to a winter garden. Because they have no downtime, they are also a good choice for small gardens where space is limited and multi-season interest is a must.

Arnold Promise witch hazel late Jan.

If you want to add interest to your garden and create stunning winter views, there are many deciduous trees to consider. Below are some reliable choices that are easy to grow and don’t get too big.

Hamamelis x intermedia

The witch hazel (Hamamelis sp.) is one of the first trees to bloom in late winter. Its bare branches hold small, tufted flowers that look almost like confetti. There are many varieties and cultivars of witch hazel. Flower color varies from a warm golden-yellow (Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’) to deep red (Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’). An open vase-shaped canopy and a horizontal branching pattern give this small tree a dramatic silhouette. Some varieties mature to be as wide as they are tall with room underneath the canopy to plant small shrubs, perennials or ground cover. This tree is a cheerful beacon signaling spring will come again.

Acer griseum

The paperbark maple (Acer griseum) has a rounded canopy and an angular horizontal branching pattern giving it an architectural look. Its smooth, cinnamon-colored bark peels in thin layers giving its trunk a dynamic color and texture. Acer griseum stands out during wintertime when its bark glows in the sun contrasting with evergreen foliage or a dusting of snow. This tree looks warm even on the coldest winter day.

Cercis canadensis

The Eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis) has small sweet pea-like rose-purple flowers that bloom profusely on bare branches before the foliage emerges in early spring. The intense color and profusion of the flowers make this tree a stand out among flowering trees. A neat, rounded habit and its moderate size make the eastern redbud a good street tree or garden specimen. Cultivars vary in form and foliage, but the color of the flower is consistent. This tree has it all.

Now is a good time access the parts of your garden that are most visible during wintertime and plan upgrades that will add some excitement at this time next year.

Need more ideas? Contact me for a design consultation to learn about landscape design and how to maximize the impact of plantings for any spot in your garden.

Planning A Springtime Show With Bulbs

One of the things I enjoy most about this time of year is the opportunity to add spring-flowering bulbs to my designs and surprise clients when they bloom in the springtime.

Narcissus poeticus (the poets daffodil or poet’s narcissus)

The bulbs I ordered this summer will start arriving soon and it’s not too late to add bulbs to your garden this fall. Nurseries and garden stores are fully stocked and online vendors still have good availability.

To achieve maximum impact plan ahead, make a list, and stay focused when shopping for bulbs. You may decide to make a change later, but you won’t get lost when considering a sea of options.

Here are some things you should consider when designing with bulbs:

Color – What colors best complement or contrast with the other flowers and plants in your garden that bloom at the same time? Do you want to coordinate with or accentuate the trim color of your house, planters, or other garden features?

Bloom time – Bulbs are divided into three categories based on bloom time: early, mid and late season. A “lasagna” is a method of planting bulbs in layers so they flower in succession, thereby maximizing the bloom cycle and saving space. This method is perfect for small spaces and also works when planting bulbs in pots.

The first to bloom in late winter are Galanthus (snowdrop). They establish slowly so plant them in groups of a dozen or more creating a clump that will become more dense and increase in size with each year. Due to their small size (between three and six inches), it is easy to find room for snowdrops even in a tiny garden. They prefer rich soil and will not tolerate rocky, sandy, or hard clay soils.

Next up are crocus. A good choice for beginners or anyone who wants a vigorous bulb that is reliable and easy to grow almost anywhere. Like Galanthus, if planted in groups, crocus will become dense clumps that increase in size each year. They are easy to plant (only 3 inches deep) and do not require maintenance.

Daffodils and Narcissus bloom mid-season. These flowers come in many colors, shapes, and sizes. Long, graceful stems make them excellent for mass plantings or as a tall element in a planting composition.

If fragrance is what you want, you can’t beat the sweet smell of hyacinths. The flowers are short-lived so they are best planted among other bulbs.

Tulips are elegant, but choose carefully if you want repeat performances. Some varieties may peter out after a few years. For gardeners who like to change things up, this is an opportunity to try new varieties or play with various color combinations. The Darwin tulips tend to perennialize the best and come back reliably year after year. With so many tulips to choose from, if you don’t like experimenting, stick with the varieties that have a proven track record. Keep in mind that bulbs (especially tulips) need good drainage and may rot if drainage is inadequate.

Dramatic and architectural allium (ornamental onion) are the last to bloom in late spring or early summer. Some varieties have flower stems that grow up top 4′ tall so they can be planted among other plants or as the bottom layer of a “lasagna” planting.

Looking for more ideas? Contact me for a design consultation to learn about landscape design or how to maximize the impact of plantings for any spot in your garden.

Got Ivy?

If you’re not a fan of ivy, you’re not the only one. When you think of this particular plant you are probably conjuring up images of either English ivy — such as Hedera helix “‘Baltica’,” “‘Pittsburg’,” “‘Wahington’,” “‘Star’” varieties — or Irish ivy (Hedera hibernica). All of these invasive ivies, however, can be found on King County’s list of noxious weeds. English ivy is categorized as a non-regulated Class B and C noxious weed, meaning control is recommended, but not required in King County where it is no longer sold in nurseries.

Some gardeners that have inherited an established mass of this nearly indestructible evergreen carpet, find themselves exasperated with ivy that has taken over flower beds, grown up the trunks of trees, or covered fences and walls. Regular shearing will keep it looking tidy, but that’s not much of a consolation for those who just want it gone.

Good Ivy

Stigma and guilt by association have ruined the reputation of the entire genus of ivy (Hedera). While the ivy you may be thinking of is known for its worst traits, there are, however, some varieties of ivy that can be charming accents when creeping over the edge of a pot or as a fine-textured, ground-hugging evergreen element among other plants. These well-mannered “good” varieties are easy to grow like their invasive cousins, but they don’t take over.

Hedera helix ‘Cristata’

I recommend trying the crinkly dark green leaves of Hedera helix “‘Cristata’” (Parsley Crested Ivy) in pots where it can curl over the rim. The fine-textured “‘Mona Lisa’” variety will add a colorful evergreen mat at the base of a rock or tree in a shade garden. Hedera algeriensis “‘Gloire de Marengo'” (Variegated Algerian Ivy) sports exotic-looking leaves marked with lighter green and white variations. Originally native to central Algeria and Tunisia, where it grows vigorously, Algerian Ivy, also called Canary Island Ivy, grows slowly in the cooler climate of the Maritime Pacific Northwest. It thrives in part sun and needs shelter from wind and freezing temperatures in order to thrive. Like all ivies, it prefers regular water and rich soil.

If you’re looking for more ideas, please contact us for a design consultation to learn more about landscape design and how to maximize the impact of the plant combinations in your garden.

Winter-Blooming Plants

Lenten roses, snowdrops and cyclamen are blooming right now, and if you are not enjoying them in your garden, now is a good time to think about adding them before this next year.

Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’

A stroll through the Washington Park Arboretum or Kubota Gardens will reveal more plants and trees with winter interest.  At this time of year, colorful conifers pop, and deciduous trees with intriguing bark and interesting branching patterns stand out. Early-blooming deciduous trees are flowering and one of the first to bloom, the Witch Hazel, is just finishing up. When in bloom, its bare branches are adorned with tiny confetti-like flowers held close to the branches illuminating them with colors ranging from pale yellow to fiery red depending on the cultivar. One of the most popular, Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’, has vivid yellow flowers that seem to warm a cold winter day.

What would make your garden more winter-friendly? If you’re thinking about a new garden or ready to update the one you have, some of these plants can be incorporated into a comprehensive plan that is suitable for your yard.

Winter blooming plants, perennials and bulbs can be the first in a succession of seasonal flowers that continue throughout summer and into autumn. A diverse palette of plants that includes flower and foliage interest throughout all the seasons is the best way to maximize the appeal of your garden as well as the time and money you invest in it.

Planning garden upgrades this winter is a great way to prepare for spring!

If you’re looking for more ideas, please reach out to me for a design consultation to learn about landscape design or how to maximize the impact of garden plantings.

A Haven For Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds are one of the most popular and esteemed visitors to any garden. Why are we so fascinated by them? Is it the familiar humming sound they make as they hover with the precision of a drone? Or is it the way they dart from flower to flower with energy and determination?


If you want to attract hummingbirds to your garden, plant what they love. These intriguing little birds will appear like magic if you give them the goods. The same flowers you plant to attract hummingbirds will attract other friendly pollinators that want to join in the flower power.

Not all hummingbirds migrate south during the winter. Those that do, put on weight before their long migration, expending more than half their body weight in reaching their destinations. Those that don’t leave, seek late-blooming perennials such as salvia that bloom until frost. During wintertime they search for any nectar-rich flowers that might still be blooming and will also frequent well stocked humming bird feeders.

Here are some hardy summer and autumn blooming perennials that you can plant now. They will keep hummingbirds around and also refresh your garden when other perennials are declining at the end of summer.


Asters bloom profusely from late summer until frost. Their dense habit, bright green foliage, and delicate flowers give a tired perennial border a fresh look just when it needs it the most. This is a great choice for mass plantings.

Nepeta (catnip)

Nepeta blooms from late spring until frost making it one of the longest-blooming perennials in this region. Cutting it back mid-season will keep plants tidy and force a new flush of foliage and flowers. There are several varieties to choose from.

Salvia guaranitica ‘Black and Blue’ (Black And Bloom Salvia)

This variety of salvia is a favorite among hummingbirds and its grass-green foliage and deep blue flowers are a dramatic addition to a perennial border. Racemes holding delicate black buds emerge at the end of waist-high woody stems making them easy for hummingbirds to access and giving onlookers an excellent vantage point.

Agastache (Hummingbird Mint)

The name pretty much says it all. Most varieties bloom throughout summer and into fall. Their tidy upright habit makes them a good vertical feature in a perennial border. They are easy to grow and a multitude of tiny flowers on spire-like racemes have a luscious scent.


Upgrading your garden this spring is a great way to prepare for summer!

If you’re looking for more ideas, please contact me for a design consultation to learn about landscape design or how to maximize the impact of plantings for any spot in your garden.

Gorgeous Ground Covers

Spring will come again but there’s no need to overlook your garden in the meantime.

Pachysandra terminals in a shady woodland garden

If things are looking stark out there, adjusting the plant palette can turn blasé into beautiful. Adding evergreen plants is an easy way to create a lush-looking winter garden in the Maritime Pacific Northwest.

In past blogs, I’ve mentioned the importance of using evergreen shrubs to provide unifying structure when perennials are dormant and deciduous trees are bare. 

This blog focuses on evergreen ground covers that make the whole garden look more vibrant, especially during wintertime.

Below are some of my favorite, easy-to-grow evergreen ground covers that will brighten up any garden.

Pachysandra terminalis sp. (Japanese Spurge) has glossy, apple green foliage that reflects light even on dark, overcast days. For best performance, plant it in rich, loose soil in dappled shade where it will get some supplemental water during summertime. A woodland environment is ideal. Once established, Pachysandra is vigorous – becoming a dense, fluffy carpet of green about 6″ high. Although not invasive, it spreads vigorously by underground roots and will quickly outgrow a small space. It can be contained by a border, but will decline if its roots have nowhere to go. Occasional shearing will promote new growth and keep Pachysandra from getting leggy.

Euonymus fortunei ‘Kewensis’ (Wintercreeper) has tiny, deep green leaves along vining stems that comprise a dense, twiggy plant. Wintercreeper thrives in average or better garden soil in a part sun location with afternoon shade. It will tolerate more sun if it gets ample water. Once established, occasional shearing will keep it looking tidy and encourage a low, dense habit. If left untrimmed, sprays of its vine-like stems may develop into unusual looking upward sweeping pointed waves that are sure to be a conversation piece.

Prunus laurustinus ‘Mount Vernon’ (Mount Vernon Laurel) has bright green narrow foliage about 4″ long. It is ideal for large areas and its stiff, pointed foliage has a bold texture that can provide excellent contrast with surrounding plantings. Although it can be grown as a small shrub, regular pruning and thinning keeps Mount Vernon laurel healthy and encourages lush new growth and good lateral coverage that forms a mat of undulating foliage about 12″ high. Like other laurel, it is not picky about soil and needs only minimal supplemental water once established.

When planting ground cover (with few exceptions) avoid dry, rocky and compacted soil unless it is adequately amended. Soil always reverts to it original form, so select plants that will thrive in the native soil if you want the best results for the least amount of work. Before planting near existing trees and plants, make sure their root mass will not be damaged by digging and that there is enough loose soil available for the ground cover to grow a healthy root system.


Planning garden upgrades this winter is a great way to prepare for spring!

If you’re looking for more ideas, please contact me for a design consultation to learn about landscape design or how to maximize the impact of plantings for any spot in your garden.

Perfect Plants For Privacy

I’m a firm believer in “loving thy neighbor” but if your view is directly into their dining room, it can be too much of a good thing. Robert Frost’s proverb “good fences make good neighbors” also comes to mind when thinking about city and suburban living. I can turn that concept into a private garden – with or without a fence – using beautiful plants and trees to add softness, color and texture.


Laurus nobilis planted at the fence line provides privacy for both properties

Growth rate and ten year size? How long will it take the plant to grow large enough to achieve the desired size? If it grows too tall or wide, can it be pruned effectively? These are questions my clients frequently ask.

When planning small gardens, I avoid fast growing conifers (think needles and cones) that will quickly outgrow a space. When hard pruning is required to limit their size, it will only ruin their appearance and damage the tree. The leyland cypress is a popular choice for privacy hedges because it will provide dense coverage in just a couple years with regular shearing. However, in a confined space it will reach a point where it cannot be maintained and even need to be removed.

Here are some well-behaved broadleaf evergreen plants for screening:


A large, compact shrub or small tree with deep green, aromatic leaves also used in cooking. Bay laurel has a dense habit, making it an excellent choice for small gardens. It reacts well to pruning and is easily manipulated to fit strategic spaces. It grows slowly, so buy one that is already large if you want immediate results. Avoid the cultivar ‘Emerald Waves’ because it is susceptible to disease and winter cold damage.


This fast-growing Pacific wax myrtle is a dense shrub with small, grass green ovate leaves that cover its woody stems and branchlets. New foliage sprouts anywhere stems are cut making it easy to manage. Pacific wax myrtle needs full sun and occasional pruning to maintain its density. It will easily reach ten feet tall or more within a few years. It can be clipped, but looks best in its natural form.


Deep green, glossy leaves and a broad, dense habit make this a good shrub for large spaces. Portugal laurel grows moderately fast in medium rich soil and becomes a small tree as it matures. It can be pruned as a hedge, but looks best with only occasional shaping to enhance its graceful form and attractive new foliage.

Tip: All plants, even those that are considered drought tolerant, need regular water until they are well-established.


With summer in full swing, revitalizing your garden is a great way to prepare for the fall planting season!

If you’re looking for more ideas, please contact me for a design consultation to learn about landscape design or how to maximize the impact of plantings for any spot in your garden.